Life of Freedom

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Sharing My Journey On Achieving Over 2 Million Viewers of Traffic On PInterest of My Social Media Account

Ahyork Life of Freedom  阿约自由人生

Ahyork” which is my nickname has been used as Title of this website/blog as “Ahyork Life of Freedom”. I would like to share my journey of life after a half-century until today of living on this beautiful planet called – Earth. Well, everybody has his own journey of life with different stories. I am one of them who suddenly realized life is short and no more time to wait to chase the dream I desired since childhood. Hence I made a decision to share the journey of achieving over 2 MILLION ++ monthly viewers in less than 12 months on my Pinterest social media account. 

Life of Freedom, ahyorkfreedom
Journey To Freedom Achieving Million Over Viewers

Ahyork 阿约是我小时家人叫我的名字的小名,所以我就索性用了英文的译名, Ahyork 作为我的网站名字。这一生走来到今天已过了半世纪,回头一看,过往的人生经历好像昨日而已,在生活里头的点点滴滴一却都如过往云烟,喜忧参半,但也是脚踏实地的走过大半人生。人生只是短短几十年而已,如果不知人生的意义,就像短线风筝随风飘流。所有在想把这一路走过来的心路历程分享给大家。这也包括了我如何在一年内达到超过2百万预览人次的社交媒体网络户口。
Below is the photo of my wife and daughter. (我内人与女儿,2008年)
Ahyork Family - 2008

Learning From Google Insider Guru

A saying of “Don’t wait until 60 if you can now do it at 50”. That’s what I learned since the precious of time left for me that no longer young like others at the age of 20, 30 or 40. In order to achieve the dream of achieving total freedom, I started my journey to build the foundation of multiple income streams online in the world of internet. I decided to learn seriously in all aspect of knowledge and skills to build my passive income starting in March 2018 after I learn from my internet insider guru, Mr. Simon Leong.
常听人说:你不要等到以后才做某某事情,如果50多岁的现在可以做的,就不要等到60岁才要来完成。为了完成我的梦想,我开始了我的人生事业的另一个旅途,那就是要找到多元化的“被动”收入。( Passive income ) 因此从2018年三月开始,我找到了一位在老师,他在网络的事业已有将近20年的经验,他的引导和指点让我学会了许多关于这方面的知识。
Passive income, when used as a technical term, is defined as either "net rental income" or "income from a business in which the taxpayer does not materially participate," and in some cases can include self-charged interest. It goes on to say that passive income "does not include salaries, portfolio, or investment income."  Thus I decided to build an internet online asset to create multiple incomes stream.
Passive income的中文可以翻译为:被动收入、自动收入。这里的passive,意思是被动的,相对于主动的(active)而言。 Income 则是收入的意思。另外,你也可能见到passive income stream 的说法,这里的stream,意思是财务或是收入流。Passive income stream是指 ”源源不断的(稳定的)被动式收入流 ”。
Life of Freedom - A Life Long Dream

Why I started this blog 我为什么要写这个部落格

I started to look back my life for the past 51 years of the life journey that has formed either the good and bad memory of the past’s 18 thousand days +. I nearly can’t believe the number when I calculated it.
I intend to share my personal view of the facts of life and some experience that I encountered that has somehow given me a deep impact in my journey of life. Whether it is a success or failure lessons, it certainly already a history. Along with that, I would also share my point of view of reading some great books in the field of life journey, facts of life, the motivation of life for success and inspiration stories that touch you and me. This is including how I start my journey to build my passive income at an online internet business. 



Create a Million Views - Life of Freedom
My 2nd Pinterest Account - Life of Freedom

I started to create a Pinterest account to attract traffic sources starting at 2nd quarter of the year 2018, I forgot which month, but definitely after March 2018. The first account is to promote my core business in CCTV surveillance and alarm security systems.  [ Home Safety & Security Site ] This account has achieved the highest impression view of 80k only.
My 2nd account [ Life of Freedom ] is created after April 2018. It is about my desired lifestyle that captured all my interest, hobbies and vision with many collections of tips and ideas on how to accomplish it. I start to see more and more impression view which achieve over 1 million views in the early month of 2019. 

Life of Freedom from ahyorkfreedom
I Hit Over Million Viewers In Less Than 12 Months

To my surprise, my Pinterest 2nd account [ Life of Freedom ] has achieved 2 million views at around end of May 2018, which is about 11 months. It is amazing! That is why I would like to share how I achieve this in my blog. The reason is simple where I want more people to achieve the lifestyle of total freedom in financial, time & location. The claim website is but later will be switch to Blogger account in earliest by 7th July 2019.
希望我的分享可以让大家借镜,无论是怎样的一个分享也是带过而已,不想特别要去针对人事物镜的对错,因为日子还是要过的,当下要往前看,不要停止脚步。我将会分享我如何规划我的生活和学习发展我的网络部落格,这也包括了应用主要的社交媒体网络 Pinterest 来创造源源不断的Impression View, 再来就是讲页面预览 Page view.  我第一个户口是 Pinterest Personal Account 用来推销我的生意,主要是摄影机监控与保安系统。 它的最高页面预览大约是平均一个月80千预览次数。
而我的第二个户口 Pinterest Business Account 生意账号,则是介绍我的兴趣,喜好,收藏嗜好,以及我如何应用社交媒体网络来达到源源不断的大量预览次数,这个户口在不到九个月达到了一百万的页面预览次数,如今已是2019年,就在五月尾,就达到了二百万页面预览次数。这也是我经营第二个户口不到11个月的成果,真是令人振奋。我接下来的部落格文章将会逐步的把这个秘密揭开,已让更多人像我一样的可以达到收入自由,时间自由的梦想。



New post updating weekly 每星期的文章发表

A new post will be updated every weekend in short article with some reference of real-life stories from me and great people that live as an example to inspire others to achieve a better and successful life.
Alright, enjoy reading and cheers! The new post started today, 3rd July 2019 – Beginning of Journey.  My next article shall illustrate my journey to set up my first 2 Pinterest account and how I build my account profile and knowledge of building from the very basic of Pin creation. Cheers!

Life of Freedom from ahyorkfreedom
Journey of Freedom

好,就从今天开始吧,2019年,七月三日,谢谢大家的预览,下一会的文章发表将讲述我的 Pinterest 社交媒体网络的学习经验与知识分享。谢谢大家。

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